IP3 Brand Guide

As an organization that teaches Creative Resistance as part of our Nonviolent Direct Action training, we understand the impact that visual arts and messaging can have in any direct action campaign. It is important that we use the same strategies and techniques to communicate our messaging online, through social media, video, print, and all other platforms we use to engage our communities for change. In the following pages, you will find information on Logo Usage, Color Palettes (RGB and CMYK), Fonts, Design Elements, Imagery, Photography, and how to implement these elements for use on the web, social media, marketing materials, and anywhere else our work and mission will be available for viewing. There is no strict formula on our use of these elements, and new elements may be added depending on the needs of Indigenous Peoples Power Project.

Get the IP3 Indigenous Brand Guide

To receive your copy of the IP3 Indigenous Brand Guide, please fill out the following form. You will receive an automated response with an attachement so you can start using the guide as a resource for direct action and media campaigns in your community. Please note that by submitting this form you are opting into the IP3 mailing list. We send out periodic updates and newsletters of actions taking place across Turtle Island, and you can opt out at any time. Please also note that in recognition of security culture in our work, we will never share your personal details or email address with any third party.

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