Become one of the wonderful organizations, sponsors, and donors helping to secure a future we can believe in today! Donations made to IP3 will go towards our training and operating budget so we can continue to train and support Indigenous communities. 100% of your contribution goes towards IP3 programming, trainings, and annual action camps, allowing us to help eliminate financial barriers that make our programming more accessible.

Indigenous lands and communities are disproportionately impacted by Climate Chaos, and among the first to experience traumas as a result of exploitative environmental resource extraction. The degredation of Indigenous lands has massive ecological consequences on Mother Earth as a whole, as such, Indigenous communities are most poised to lead environmental solution-oriented action.

We are in a time where Indigenous communities have acknowledged these traumas, and are moving towards healing and self determination. Where the healing has begun, we see that there’s never been a lack of stewardship, innovation, and dreamers among us; what we’ve lacked are the resources to take a stand against those corporate giants that continue to take what is sacred. With your help we can eliminate those barriers and determine the future we want to see for generations to come.
Your donation helps us further our mission to provide nonviolent direct action training, campaign support, and community organizing tools to support Indigenous communities taking action in defense of their homelands. We appreciate your ongoing support!