IP3 Creative Resistance Training Guide

The Indigenous Peoples Power Project Creative Resistance Training Guide is an introduction to techniques and tools to aid you in creating a visual voice for social justice movements. Art is culture embodied and shows how unified we are in our demands in ways words just can’t. Art is essential to organizing. It makes people feel good and in turn, encourages people to get involved, builds media buzz, distills our messaging into easily digestible snippets, tells the story of this moment and helps to build momentum in support of our movements. Art takes thought, time, and resources, and should always be included at all levels of planning.

Skedem Skillz Chart

Our network has developed an easy to follow Skills Chart that will help guide you in the best tools for your messaging and action. It is best to work backwards. What does that mean? It means you should envision how you want your action to look… even sketch it out on paper. Do you know your location? Where do you want people to be? Do you want to deploy a banner? Do you want people to carry signs and banners? Do you want people to have matching patches or t-shirts? Who is your audience? What is your message? What is the impact you are going for? These are all things to consider when planning your art.  You can find the Skedem Skillz Chart in the IP3 Action Creative Resistance Training Guide, available as a download here for you and your community.


Another common medium in Creative Resistance is the use of banners. Whether you want to make quick, no sew handheld banners that don’t fall apart in the streets or sew together a banner so burly and big you can see it from space, this guide will get you started. We will break down fabric, street banners vs. technical banners, sewing setups and techniques, grommets, and rigging. Learn all about making banners and more in our Creative Resistance training guide.

Spray Paint

Among the variety of artistic skillsets and mediums used in our Creative Resistance track, spray paint can be used with any skill in the flow chart, but is definitely the go to for bringing your stencils to life. Spray paint varies in cost, type and quality. For example, you have your good ol’ craft paint, auto paint and paint made just for art and tagging. The difference in cost and quality are night and day. Spray cans designed specifically for art are made with varying pressure allowing the user to control the paint flow. Learn more about spray paint in art action in IP3’s Creative Resistance guide.


Sewing has existed in Indigenous communities in some form or another for generations, and is another medium commonly practiced in Creative Resistance. Sewing is a great skill to have and like most anything takes patience and practice. When you sew keep in mind the more time you take to be organized, the more efficient your sewing will be. Be sure to learn about your machine and how to care for it. For basic information you can usually find most sewing manuals online. Learn about sewing and more in IP3’s Creative Resistance training guide.

Are You Ready?

The Indigenous Peoples Power Project Creative Resistance guide is an entry level resource for those interested in Art Action as a tool to create change in their communities, and is meant to accompany a Creative Resistance training. Mobilizations, protests, rallies, actions, demonstrations, street parties, blockades; no matter what you’re organizing, an event isn’t quite an event without Action Art, and this guide will help you to get started in setting up an art build for your action. If you are interested in Creative Resistance training, you can start by downloading our Creative Resistance training guide by filling out the following form, and may also request an in person training by IP3 Creative Resistance trainers by using our Training Request Form.

Get the IP3 Creative Resistance Training Guide

To receive your copy of the IP3 Creative Resistance and Training for Trainer guides, please fill out the form below. You will receive an automated response with attachements so you can quickly start using these guides as a resource to plan direct action campaigns in your community. Please note that by submitting this form you are opting into the IP3 mailing list. We send out periodic updates and newsletters of actions taking place across Turtle Island, and you can opt out at any time. Please also note that in recognition of security culture in our work, we will never share your personal details or email address with any third party.

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