As we say goodbye to 2021 and hello to 2022, Indigenous People’s Power Project would like extend a very big THANK YOU to our communities, staff, board, sponsors and partners for your tireless commitment in making our world a better place. In the last year, we have seen many challenges that continue to burden our communities, our ecosystems, our livelihood and our Mother Earth. As we move forward into the new year, Indigenous People’s Power Project, along with your support will continue training and activating our next wave of Land Defenders, Water Protectors, activists, and those on the frontlines fighting for our future.
Coming the end of January, we will be hosting our Skodoodisden Virtual Action Camp where participants will learn Nonviolent Direct Action (NVDA) techniques and tactics that impact positive social change. This year’s virtual action camp will include several tracks that will prepare you when protecting Indigenous spaces, our homelands, and our longterm collective wellbeing. If you or somebody you know would like to participate in this years virtual action camp, please visit us online at or find us on social media for details.
Along with our nonviolent direct action training programs, IP3 remains committed to supporting those directly impacted by climate crisis, exploitation of our homelands, and the colonial forces that compromise our right to land, water, tradition, and health. In 2022 there is still so much work to be done. It is a time to reflect on the good work of so many while renewing our commitment to the future. In 2022, let us continue uplifting and holding each other up as we mourn and grieve over those we have lost, and that we continue on, holding them close to our hearts in all we do. Together we can realize a world that not only takes care of us, but is sustainable for all life and humanity. We look forward to connecting with all of you, and thank you again for your continued support.
Indigenous People’s Power Project
Activists, Organizers and Protectors of All Nations